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Population genomics

Population genomics is the analysis of polymorphic DNA, which is essential to understand how the patterns of genetic variation in organisms have been shaped by different evolutionary forces, such as mutation, natural selection, genetic drift, population structure, and population size change. MGI is a leading producer of high-throughput gene sequencers, which focuses on provide high-quality, simple and fast genetic testing packages for national genome project and cohort research. To accelerate the progress of population genetic research, with the popularization of the national genome project, human genome sequencing will become a common method for population research and universal medical treatment.
MGI provides a variety of sequencing solution for Population genomics
Turbocharge your sequencing
Generate 1-6Tb of high quality data per day, for a wide range of applications including Whole Genome Sequencing
Turbocharge your sequencing: DNBSEQ-T7 sequencer
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  • *For research use only.

    Not for use in diagnostic procedures (except as specifically noted).
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