MMHP: Million Microbiome of Humans Project
Progress of MMHP (continuously updated)
A total of nearly 130,000 samples have been sequenced among 21 institutes and over 10 participating nations throughout Europe, as part of the Million Microbiome of Humans Project (MMHP) that was officially launched in 2019.
Innovative Sequencing Technology
MGI's proprietary DNBSEQ™ technology uses rolling circle amplification and patterned array technology. This combined technology allows MGI to provide precise sequencing data, significantly reducing duplicates and preventing issues such as index hopping and error accumulation that can occur during PCR amplification.
An Optimized Workflow Incorporating Innovative Technology
The MMHP Consortium employs cutting-edge laboratory systems to ensure high-throughput procedures, exceptional accuracy, and the generation of top-quality data. The dedicated workflow enables the extraction of 96 DNA samples/day and the library preparation of 96 samples per run. Utilizing MGI sequencing platforms, the Consortium also leverages the DNBSEQ™ technology, renowned for its exceptional accuracy.
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【Brochure】Microbiome Metagenomics Sequencing Solution
【Brochure】MGISP-960 Configuration
【Brochure】DNBSEQ-T7 Genetic Sequencer
【Brochure】DNBSEQ-G400 Genetic Sequencer
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