MGI Supplier Code of Conduct
Business Integrity
Intellectual Property, Privacy and Confidentiality
3. implement security standards and procedures to ensure that personal information, confidential information and trade secrets are securely stored, disclosed only on a need-to-know basis and used only for permitted purposes.
4. safeguard personal information, confidential information and trade secrets to which they have access in connection with their provision of goods and/or services to us.
Labour and Human Rights
We believe that all workers deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Suppliers must:
4. ensure that workers under the age of 18 Do Not perform work that is likely to jeopardise their health or safety, including night shifts and overtime.
5. not permit harassment, abuse, corporal punishment or inhumane treatment of its workers.
Health and Safety
Suppliers must maintain a safe workplace and comply with all applicable work health and safety laws and regulations that apply in the countries in which they operate. Suppliers are expected to manage any occupational health and safety hazards and provide adequate job-related training to ensure their workers can perform their tasks in a safe and healthy work environment.
Environmental Sustainability
MGI is committed to conducting its business in a sustainable manner that minimises our environmental impact. Our suppliers must comply with all environmental laws and regulations that apply in the countries in which they operate. Suppliers should make efforts to reduce consumption of resources, minimise carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency.