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MGI Supplier Code of Conduct

MGI Tech Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (MGI, us, we, or our) is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in its operations and supply chains. We expect our suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and to meet the standards and principles set out in this Code in their business activities, operations, and their own supply chain.

We reserve the right to undertake due diligence and risk assessments to verify compliance with our Code and expect our suppliers to cooperate and provide supporting evidence as we may reasonably require to monitor and review their compliance. This Code applies to all new and existing suppliers. Compliance with this Code is a material consideration for us when we engage suppliers and will be used as part of our supplier evaluation, selection and contract management process. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the cooperation or business relationship with our suppliers in the event of any material breach of the Code or repeated failure to provide the requested information.

We may review and update this Code from time to time and reserve the right to interpret the terms in it.

    Business Integrity

    Suppliers are required to:
    1. act ethically and with integrity at all times.

    2. comply with all applicable laws relating to the prevention of bribery, corruption, fraud, tax evasion, money laundering or similar or related activities.
    3. seek to identify and report to us any conflicts of interest, be it competing personal or professional interests. Our suppliers will avoid even the appearance of conflicts of interest in their work with us. Any conflicts of interest that cannot be avoided should be declared and managed appropriately.
    4. in all dealings with us, not violate any applicable customs, trade controls and sanctions laws and regulations with which we must comply, to the extent that such compliance does not violate mandatory law applicable to the relevant supplier.

    Intellectual Property, Privacy and Confidentiality

    Our suppliers must:
    1. respect intellectual property rights and act in a manner protecting intellectual property rights. 
    2. protect the privacy of personal information of everyone with whom they do business and comply with all relevant privacy and data protection laws, cybersecurity laws and regulations.

    3. implement security standards and procedures to ensure that personal information, confidential information and trade secrets are securely stored, disclosed only on a need-to-know basis and used only for permitted purposes. 

    4. safeguard personal information, confidential information and trade secrets to which they have access in connection with their provision of goods and/or services to us.

    Labour and Human Rights

    We believe that all workers deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Suppliers must:

    1. comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to wages, benefits, resignation, superannuation, leave entitlements, working hours and insurance that apply in the countries in which they operate; 
    2. have in place adequate measures to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for modern slavery and other adverse human rights impacts in their operations and supply chains.
    3. not hold another person in slavery or servitude, employ, engage or otherwise use forced or compulsory labour, trafficked labour or child labour.

    4. ensure that workers under the age of 18 Do Not perform work that is likely to jeopardise their health or safety, including night shifts and overtime.

    5. not permit harassment, abuse, corporal punishment or inhumane treatment of its workers.
    6. not discriminate against any worker based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, union membership, or any other characteristic protected by law, in hiring and other employment practices.
    7. Ensure that any tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold produced in the Democratic Republic of Congo or its adjoining countries are not the result of human rights abuses in either the extraction or processing stages of the aforementioned material, and must provide due diligence materials to us upon request.
    8. ensure that their workers have access to a grievance mechanism to report concerns regarding adverse human rights impacts without fear of retaliation, intimidation, or harassment.

    Health and Safety

    Suppliers must maintain a safe workplace and comply with all applicable work health and safety laws and regulations that apply in the countries in which they operate. Suppliers are expected to manage any occupational health and safety hazards and provide adequate job-related training to ensure their workers can perform their tasks in a safe and healthy work environment.

    Environmental Sustainability

    MGI is committed to conducting its business in a sustainable manner that minimises our environmental impact. Our suppliers must comply with all environmental laws and regulations that apply in the countries in which they operate. Suppliers should make efforts to reduce consumption of resources, minimise carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency.

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