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MGI Provides Powerful Instrumental Support for Huo-Yan Labs in Foshan

Release date:2021-06-05Writer:MGIViews:3499Share

FOSHAN, CHINA, June 4, 2021 -- In quick response to the COVID-19 resurgence in Foshan, Guangdong, recently. MGI urgently delivered 2 Fast Setup Modular Negative Pressure Labs (MGIFLP-HWRS) to Chancheng District of Foshan City to scale up the nucleic acid testing capacity. Many MGIers who just completed construction of Huo-Yan lab in Yantian, Shenzhen, quickly travelled overnight to support Foshan.

Foshan Huo-Yan Laboratory was installed in 4.5 hours at a record speed.

Foshan nucleic acid testing laboratory started operation in 4.5 hours, with the highest daily testing capacity to date.

On June 4, two mobile MGIFLP-HWRS labs were quickly installed in 4.5 hours and put into use thanks to the support from on-site workers who have been working non-stop to complete the construction of the Huo-Yan lab.

The lab can process 600,000 samples a day at maximum if integrating samples in a batch, or 60,000 samples if using one sample for a single tube, achieving the record-high daily testing capacity in Foshan.


MGIFLP-HWRS laboratory is designed for large-scale population testing in COVID-19 outbreak control and prevention. The tent structure lab can be quickly assembled to accommodate different testing requirements. With high flexibility and strong environmental adaptability, it can be quickly installed in a matter of hours, and the equipment included can be quickly commissioned and put to use in 12 hours. Breaking the historical record, it took only 4.5 hours to complete the construction of the Foshan Huo-Yan Laboratory.

MGI Engineers are Installing and Commissioning Equipment

MGI's high-efficiency equipment

greatly improved the testing capacity

MGI's three powerful systems, MGISP-NE384 High-Throughput Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor, MGISP-960 High-Throughput Automated Sample Preparation System and MGISTP-7000 High-Throughput Automated Sample Transfer Processing System, are the core equipment of the Huo-Yan lab, which have been fighting through multiple battles in the COVID-19 fight.

The Huo-Yan lab is equipped with 7 MGISP-NE384, 13 MGISTP-7000 and 6 MGISP-960. It has proven that the Huo-Yan Lab labor-saving Solution standardises the COVID-19 testing process with improved testing capacity and ensures a safer working environment for lab operators.

The extraction of virus nucleic acid is a key step in the COVID sample testing process. As the first fully automatic automated nucleic acid extractor in the market being utilized on the front line of COVID-19 fight, one MGISP-NE384 can process 10,000 samples per day, which greatly accelerates the testing process of Huo-Yan laboratory.

MGISP-NE384 High-throughput Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor in Operation

MGISTP-7000 can automatically complete barcode scanning, information verification and liquid transfer with a single click. The lab technicians have zero contact with COVID-19 samples throughout the process, so they can work in a safe working environment. The system can transfer 192 samples from airtight sample tubes or plain tubes to 96-well microplates in 40 minutes. This automates the sample preparation, the most labor-intensive process, thus reduces the workload and infection risk for the lab technicians.

MGISTP-7000 High-Throughput Automated Sample Transfer Processing System

In addition, MGISP-960 can process 192 samples in 80 minutes and is suitable for medium and high-throughput users such as companies, emergency departments, and hospitals. One technician can operate three units at the same time, greatly improving the testing efficiency.In the national-wide combat against COVID-19 in China, MGISP-960 automated sample preparation systems have supported the outbreaks in more than 30 cities and regions in China.

MGISP-960 High Throughput Automated Sample Preparation System

In rapid reaction to the COVID-19 resurgence in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Foshan, Guangdong Province of China recently, MGI's high-efficiency automation equipment have supported the "Huo-Yan" labs in the three cities to scale up the nucleic acid testing capacity. If 10 mixed samples in one tube, the Huo-Yan Labs in Guangzhou are capable of testing 1.5 million samples per day, while Shenzhen Huo-Yan Labs can process 300,000 samples per day if 5 samples mixed in one tube.

In addition, the "Huo-Yan" laboratory solutions, equipped with MGI's automatic PCR extraction system have been supporting more than 50 countries and regions, including Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Serbia and Australia, contributing to the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

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