- MGIEasy Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit (MGISP-NE384)
Sample type: Fresh, blood, Frozen blood, Buffy coat, Saliva
Automation: MGISP-NE384
- HPV DNA Extraction Kit
Sample: Cervical swab, FTA card washing solution
Automation platform: MGISP-960
- MGIEasy Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit (MGISP-NE32)
Sample type: blood,Buffy coat, Saliva
Automation: MGISP-NE32
- MGIEasy Stool Microbiome DNA Extraction Kit
Sample type: Fresh or frozen stool samples from human
Automation platform: MGISP-960, MGISP-NE384
- MGIEasy Microbiome DNA Extraction Kit/Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit (MD01T-96)
Sample type: Swab, serum, plasma, CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), BALF (alveolar lavage fluid), urine, sputum, bacterial culture fluid
Automation: MGISP-960: 1.5 h ; Manual: 45 min
- MGIEasy Stool Microbiome DNA Extraction Kit Ⅱ
Sample type: MGIEasy Stool Microbiome DNA Extraction Kit Ⅱ
Automation platform: MGISP-960, MGISP-NE384
- MGIEasy FFPE DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit (MGISP-NE32)
Sample type: FFPE sections, Paraffin-embedded blocks and Formalin fixed tissue
Automation: MGISP-NE32
- Carboxyl Magnetic Beads TQ01Application: Virus DNA/RNA extraction, stools gDNA extraction, plants DNA/RNA extraction etc.
- Silicon Hydroxyl Magnetic Beads NEOH3000ⅠApplication: Blood and saliva gDNA extraction
- Silicon Hydroxyl Magnetic Beads NEOH400 ⅢApplication: Extract free DNA from blood or urine