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MGIEasy Genomic DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit (MGISP-NE384)

By using the unique, high-binding, super-paramagnetic beads, this kit is used to extract high-quality genomic DNA quickly and easily from animal tissues, dried blood spots, blood, saliva, buccal swabs, cells and other samples. The extracted genomic DNA can be used for various routine applications, including enzyme digestion, PCR, real-time PCR, library preparation, chip hybridization and high-throughput sequencing.

MGIEasy Genomic DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit (MGISP-NE384)

MGIEasy Genomic DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit (MGISP-NE384)

Item No.:940-000974-00

Specification & Quantity (384 preps)

Buffer LS
200 μL/plate×4
Buffer LB
300 μL/plate×4
Buffer W1
240 μL/plate×4
Buffer W2
120 μL/plate×8
Buffer EB
150 μL/plate×4
Magnetic Beads H
150 μL/plate×4

Proteinase K

100 μL/plate× 1



Wide sample types
Wide sample types
Animal tissues, dried blood spots, blood, cells, saliva, oral swabs, amniotic fluid, etc.
High recovery rate
High recovery rate
The recovery rate is more than 85%.
High extraction efficiency
High extraction efficiency
High yield, high purity and good fragment integrity.
Provide high-throughput automation solutions
Provide high-throughput automation solutions

Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor MGISP-NE384 can provide solutions for high-throughput automatic extraction ofdifferent samples.

Wide sample types
Wide sample types
Animal tissues, dried blood spots, blood, cells, saliva, oral swabs, amniotic fluid, etc.
High recovery rate
High recovery rate
The recovery rate is more than 85%.
High extraction efficiency
High extraction efficiency
High yield, high purity and good fragment integrity.
Provide high-throughput automation solutions
Provide high-throughput automation solutions

Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor MGISP-NE384 can provide solutions for high-throughput automatic extraction ofdifferent samples.

Product Specification

Product name

MGIEasy Genomic DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit (MGISP-NE384)



Sample type

Animal tissues, dried blood spots, amniotic fluid, blood, saliva, buccal swabs, cells and other samples.

Valid period
12 months
Product storage condition
Adaptive automation
Downstream application

PCR, real-time PCR, chip hybridization, and sequencing.

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  • *For research use only.

    Not for use in diagnostic procedures (except as specifically noted).
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