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MGIEasy Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Set V2.0

The MGIEasy Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Set V2.0 is designed to prepare WGS PCR-Free library for DNBSEQTM sequencers. This library prep set is optimized to convert 25 ng~900 ng genomic DNA (gDNA) into a special library and uses high quality fast fragmentase to combine the fragmentation, end-repair and add A into one step, to simplify the preparation process and significantly shorten the duration of DNA library preparation. Fast PCR-FREE combined with MGI DNBSEQTM sequencer, is truly PCR-free sequencing with no amplification errors accumulation. 

The PCR-free method and optimized library prep make it perform well in genome coverage uniformity and mutation detection precision and sensitivity. The set combined with the MGISP-100 and MGISP-960, could provide automatic library preparation workflows. This library prep set is suitable for WGS with fast, easy-to-use, and excellent performance and is the preferred recommendation for the large genome sequencing project.

MGIEasy Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Set V2.0 (16 RXN)

Item No.:940-000886-00
Component Kits
Component Kits Name & Item No. Quantity
Core library

MGIEasy Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Module V2.0 (16 RXN)

Item No.: 940-000885-00


MGIEasy UDB PF Adapter Kit (16 barcode,16 RXN)

Item No.: 940-000018-00

Clean Beads

MGIEasy DNA Clean Beads (3.2 mL beads)

Item No.: 940-001176-00



MGIEasy Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Set V2.0 (96 RXN)

Item No.:940-000884-00
Component Kits
Product Name & Item No. Quantity
Core library

MGIEasy Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Module V2.0 (96 RXN)

Item No.:940-000883-00


MGIEasy UDB PF Adapter Kit A (96 barcode,96 RXN)

Item No.:940-000023-00

Clean Beads

MGIEasy DNA Clean Beads (15 mL beads)

Item No.:940-001174-00



MGIEasy Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Set V2.0 (384 RXN)

Item No.:940-000882-00
Component Kits
Component Kits Name & Item No. Quantity
Core library

MGIEasy Fast F PCR-FREE S Library Prep Module V2.0 (96 RXN)

Item No.: 940-000883-00


MGIEasy UDB PF Adapter Kit A (96 barcode,96 RXN)

Item No.: 940-000023-00


MGIEasy UDB PF Adapter Kit B (96 barcode,96 RXN)

Item No.: 940-000022-00


MGIEasy UDB PF Adapter Kit C (96 barcode,96 RXN)

Item No.: 940-000025-00


MGIEasy UDB PF Adapter Kit D (96 barcode,96 RXN)

Item No.: 940-000024-00

Clean Beads

MGIEasy DNA Clean Beads (50 mL beads)

Item No.: 1000005279




Fast library prep workflow
Fast library prep workflow

Combine the DNA fragmentation, end repair and add A into one step, significantly reducing the library prep time in 1.3 hours.

Flexible workflow to accommodate variations in sample type, DNA input amount, application
Flexible workflow to accommodate variations in sample type, DNA input amount, application

Compatible with 25 ng~900 ng DNA input, supporting variety sample types, including blood, saliva, oral swabs and virus long amplicons,suitable for high and low depth WGS of various species, as well as microbial sequencing and pathogen amplicon detection.

High uniform and consistent insert sizes across a wide DNA input range and sample types
High uniform and consistent insert sizes across a wide DNA input range and sample types

Using a high-quality, low bias enzyme for different species and input amounts shearing with the same incubation condition can get the high uniform and consistent insert sizes.

Excellent performance
Excellent performance

High uniform genome coverage, better coverage of GC-rich regions. Outstanding mutation detection precision and sensitivity performance.

Simple and automated workflow
Simple and automated workflow

Minimal operation steps, simple and easy to use. Compatible with automatic sample preparation systems to provide automated workflow.

Fast library prep workflow
Fast library prep workflow

Combine the DNA fragmentation, end repair and add A into one step, significantly reducing the library prep time in 1.3 hours.

Flexible workflow to accommodate variations in sample type, DNA input amount, application
Flexible workflow to accommodate variations in sample type, DNA input amount, application

Compatible with 25 ng~900 ng DNA input, supporting variety sample types, including blood, saliva, oral swabs and virus long amplicons,suitable for high and low depth WGS of various species, as well as microbial sequencing and pathogen amplicon detection.

High uniform and consistent insert sizes across a wide DNA input range and sample types
High uniform and consistent insert sizes across a wide DNA input range and sample types

Using a high-quality, low bias enzyme for different species and input amounts shearing with the same incubation condition can get the high uniform and consistent insert sizes.

Excellent performance
Excellent performance

High uniform genome coverage, better coverage of GC-rich regions. Outstanding mutation detection precision and sensitivity performance.

Simple and automated workflow
Simple and automated workflow

Minimal operation steps, simple and easy to use. Compatible with automatic sample preparation systems to provide automated workflow.

Product Specification

Assay Time
~ 1.3 hrs -1.4 hrs
Hands-On Time
~20 min
Input Quantity
25 ng ~900 ng gDNA
~384 Unique Dual Barcodes
Insert size

Two sides beads purification: 400 bp~600 bp

One side beads purification: 600 bp~850 bp

Sample types

gDNA from blood, saliva, oral swabs, tissue, Microbial gDNA, Meta DNA, Virus long amplicons

Species Compatibility
Human, Animal, Plant, Microbe

Human WGS, Plants & animals WGS, Low-pass WGS, Microbial WGS, Metagenomics sequencing, Virus long amplicons sequencing

Platform Compatibility


Recommended Read Length
Adaptation automation platform
MGISP-100(16RXN),MGISP-960(96RXN, 384RXN)

Recommended MGI Process

Library preparation
Data analysis
  • Human WGS sequencing (High depth)

  • MGISP-100/MGISP-960
  • MGIEasy Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Set V2.0

  • MGIEasy Dual Barcode Circularization Kit

  • DNBSEQ-G400
  • DNBSEQ-T10×4
  • DNBSEQ-T20×2
  • MegaBOLT Bioinformatics analysis accelerator

    - WGS Germline variant calling pipeline

    - WGS Somatic variant calling pipeline

  • Low-pass WGS

  • MGISP-960
  • MGIEasy Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Set V2.0

  • MGIEasy Dual Barcode Circularization Kit

  • DNBSEQ-G400

  • Hotline (Global)
  • Email
  • Special Recommendations
  • *For research use only.

    Not for use in diagnostic procedures (except as specifically noted).
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