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ATOPlex DENV1-4 Targeted Sequencing Package

Dengue fever is an acute vector-borne infectious disease caused by dengue virus (DENV), which is mainly transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. It occurs mostly in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, with a higher prevalence in urban and semi-urban areas. The most severe outbreaks are found in Southeast Asia, the Western Pacific, and South America.

In order to improve the detection efficiency and accuracy of DENV, MGI launched the ATOPlex DENV1-4 Targeted Sequencing Package. This solution includes the entire process of nucleic acid extraction, library preparation, DNBSEQ™ sequencing and data analysis. The analysis results can be obtained within 12 hours at the fastest, providing a powerful detection tool for dengue fever outbreaks.

The ATOPlex DENV1-4 Library Preparation Set of this sequencing package is developed based on the ATOPlex multiplex PCR technology. It can amplify the full-length genomes of  DENV1-4, features easy operation and low input volume, and has shown impressive performance in the detection, typing, and analysis of closely related genomes of dengue virus.

ATOPlex DENV1-4 Targeted Sequencing Package

Item No.:
DNBSEQ-G99ARS Genetic Sequencer
MGISP-NE32RS Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor
MGISP-100RS DNA Sequencing Library Preparation System
MGIEasy Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit OP02-32 (32 RXN)
ATOPlex DENV1-4 Library Preparation Set (96 RXN)

DNBSEQ One-Step DNB Preparation Kit (OS-DB) (4RXN)


DNBSEQ-G99RS High-throughput Sequencing Kit (G99 FCL SE100/PE50)


DNBSEQ-G99RS High-throughput Sequencing Set (G99 FCL PE150)


ATOPlex MultiPCR Microbiome Research Software Analysis Package (16 reports)


Recommended Applications


Easy to operate

Incorporating reverse transcription, multiple amplification, and Fast PCR-Free technology, library preparation can be completed in one tube with simple operation.

Sensitive detection
Suitable for low viral load detection, covering DENV1-4, rapid software analysis, accurate typing results, and high accuracy in mutation detection.
Short process

This sequencing package covers the entire process from nucleic acid extraction to analysis, and the entire process can be completed in about 12 h.


Product Specification

Amplification region

Full-length genomes of DENV1-4 (NC_001477.1/NC_001474.2/NC_001475.2/NC_002640.1)

Amplicon size
145 bp~165 bp
Amplicon number
Number of tubes
1 tube
RNA input
10 μL, >100 copies/rxn
Detection type
Sample type
Plasma, serum and other samples
Automated library preparation
MGISP-100, DNBelab-D4
Full process time
12 h~35 h
Coverage (%)
10 x Coverage ≥ 98%

SE100+10+10 (faster turnaround time) or PE100+10+10 (more cost-effective)


SE100: 5 M reads /sample (qPCR ct value≤30); 10 M reads /sample (qPCR ct value>30) 

PE100: 2.5 M reads /sample (qPCR ct value≤30); 5 M reads /sample (qPCR ct value>30)

Analysis capabilities

Data quality control, sequence alignment, variation detection, DENV typing, etc.

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  • *For research use only.

    Not for use in diagnostic procedures (except as specifically noted).
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